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Default Fields in Recruit CRM

This article will tell you about all the default fields available for candidate, company, contact, job, and deal records in Recruit CRM.

Beatriz Miranda avatar
Written by Beatriz Miranda
Updated over a week ago

Recruit CRM offers specific default fields for every entity (candidate, company, contact, job, deals) so that users do not have to start setting up their accounts from scratch.

Note: Default fields CAN NOT be edited or deleted inside Recruit CRM.

Table of Contents:

You can easily identify a candidate field as default or custom by going to the candidate fields in your admin settings.

While default candidate fields do not have any tags:

A custom candidate field will have a "Custom Field" tag:

Further, you can see under the company/contact/deal/job fields in your admin settings that all the default fields are available on the left side of the page while the default fields that you create on the right side appear under the "Additional Information (Custom Fields)" section:

Now, let's take a look at all the default fields available for all the entities:

Candidate Default Fields

First Name (Text) - This field is required by default and you can not add a candidate without a first name.

Email (Email Address), Phone (Phone Number), LinkedIn Profile (Text) - These are the unique identifiers to detect duplicate records for candidates.

Full Address (Text) - Radius Search in Advanced Search is implemented using this field. The same is also applicable to Contact, Company, and Job Fields.

Gender (Dropdown) - This field is only visible when the EEO toggle is turned OFF from the account management settings in admin settings.

Birth Date (Date) - This field is used to calculate the value for the "Age" field which is also visible only when the EEO toggle is turned OFF from the account management settings.

Locality (Text) - This field is auto-populated using the "City" and "Country/Region" fields on LinkedIn using the Chrome Extension. The same is also applicable to Contacts.

Summary (Long Text) - Data added to this field is used to populate the candidate summary field in the Executive Search Report. You can also add templates for candidate summary.

Resume (File) - The Advanced Search query searches for the keywords only on the file added to the default "resume" field.

Work History, Education History, Employment Information (Field Sections) - All the fields in these sections are auto-populated when parsing a resume.

Source (Text) - This field tracks the source of the candidate when added from different platforms, for example, LinkedIn, Talent Pool Page, Job Boards, etc. Click here to understand how to track the source of job applicants.

Company Default Fields

Company Name (Text) - This field is required by default and you can not add a company without a name.

About Company (Long Text), City (Text) - These fields are auto-populated when adding a company from LinkedIn using the Chrome Extension.

Industry (Dropdown) - You can select the relevant industry type for a company from this dropdown.

Website (Text), Linkedin Profile URL (Text) - These are the unique identifiers to detect duplicate records for companies.

Contact Default Fields

First Name (Text), Last Name (Text), Phone (Phone Number) - Basic information of your clients.

Title (Text) - This field is auto-populated when adding a company using the Chrome Extension from the "Headline" field in LinkedIn.

Email Address (Email Address), Linkedin Profile URL (Text) - These are the unique identifiers to detect duplicate records for contacts.

Stage (Dropdown) - A contact can go through various stages while they are in your database, for example - going from a lead to a follow-up client. These stages can be customized from the Contact Stages section in admin settings following these steps.

Job Default Fields

Job Title (Text), Number Of Openings (Dropdown), Company (Dropdown) - These fields are required by default.

Contact (Dropdown), Secondary Contacts (Dropdown) - Once the company field is selected, you can select from the dropdown a contact associated with the respective company.

Job Description (File/Rich Text) - It is advised to add the job description as text. Most of the external job boards do not accept jobs where the job description is added in a file format.

Currency (Dropdown) - While you can choose the currency for every job, the default currency can be changed from your profile settings.

Select Owner (Dropdown) - Refers to the user who is the owner of a job.

Enable Job Application Form (Checkbox) - Enabling/disabling this checkbox impacts the visibility of your jobs on external job sites.

Job Application Form Questions (Checkbox) - Enabling/disabling this checkbox impacts the visibility of additional questions on your Job Application URL. Account owners and admins have access to create these questions.

Note For Candidates (Checkbox) - Enabling/disabling this checkbox impacts the visibility of the notes you add to your Job Applications.

Deals Default Fields

Name (Text), Deal Type (Dropdown) Owner (Dropdown) - The visibility of these fields can not be changed and they are required by default to track reports and conduct searches.

Value (Number) - Required field indicating the estimated amount the deal is worth.

Close Date (Date) - This is a required field that indicates the date by which a deal is estimated to be closed. A deal will only show up in a report when its close date lies in the period you're running the report for. For instance, a deal created in January with a close date of February will not show up in the reports for the month of January.

Stage (Dropdown) - Indicates the current stage of a deal to calculate its weighted value. Deal stages can be customized from the Deal Pipeline in admin settings following these steps.

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