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Setting up your profile section

This article will help you change your profile settings.

Beatriz Miranda avatar
Written by Beatriz Miranda
Updated over a week ago

Setting Up Your Profile Section

From your profile section, you can configure all the settings listed here 👉

So, let's go to the profile section by clicking on the avatar at the top right corner of your screen and hitting “Profile”.

1. Changing your Recruit CRM Profile Picture

  • You’ll see a blank image on the left side of your screen, click on the image to upload a profile picture for your Recruit CRM account.

2. Changing your Registered Email ID

  • Click on the “Email” section to change your registered email.

  • Remove the existing email and type your new email

​3. Changing your default Timezone

  • Select the appropriate time zone from the “Timezone” drop-down

  • Hit the Save Profile button to save the changes

4. Changing your default Currency

  • You can have your preferred currency as a default currency from the drop-down.

  • This will automatically take it as a default currency wherever required in Recruit CRM.

Please Note: You can also have separate currency for each candidate and each job. You can change that by going inside the candidate's profile or inside that job.

​5. Changing your Recruit CRM account password

​6. Turning Off Email Reminders

7. Turning Off Email Tracking Pixel

  • This feature will help you manage your email tracking within Recruit CRM. If it is ON, Recruit CRM will add a tracking pixel in your email body. And if it is OFF, then the system won't add a tracking pixel.

  • If the emails that are sent from Recruit CRM are going to the SPAM/JUNK folder of your recipient, turn this tracking pixel OFF to avoid emails going to SPAM/JUNK.

That's about it!

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