Deals Pipeline

This article will help you create a Deals Pipeline and keep track of all monetary transactions in your company.

Sarvesh Gokhale avatar
Written by Sarvesh Gokhale
Updated over a week ago

The Deal Pipeline on Recruit CRM lets you keep a tab on all revenue opportunities and "deals" your team is working on.

You can create deal stages, customize deal fields, and track any Job, Company, or Contact associated with a deal.

Understanding the Deals Pipeline's Metrics

There are 4 metrics you need to take into consideration while keeping track of your Deals in Recruit CRM:​

Total Weighted Pipeline

Represents how much you have earned or will earn according to the deals' current stages in the Deal Pipeline.

Total Pipeline

Represents the sum of the total deals' values, regardless of their stage.

Deals Won

Measures the total amount earned on deals in the "won" stage.

Deals Lost

Measures the total amount lost on deals in the "lost" stage.

These metrics are automatically updated as you create new deals, delete/archive old ones, and move the deals through the different stages.

Creating Stages in the Deals Pipeline

The stages in the Deals Pipeline are responsible for the amount calculated in the Total Weighted Pipeline.

Recruit CRM has two default stages in the Deals Pipeline that cannot be removed:

  • Won

  • Lost

You can customize your Deals Pipeline in the Admin Settings.

Let's get started on making your very first Deal 😀

1. Creating Custom Fields

Like every other record type on Recruit CRM, you can customize the data you want to see on deals as well from the "Deals Field" section within admin settings.

2. Choosing Default Fields and Adding Custom Fields

You can set Default fields & make them visible and/or mandatory based on your workflow. For any additional information, you want your team to enter on deals, you can use up to 16 custom fields to collect extra information.

3. Make your Kanban View

Use the 'Deals Pipeline" option to view & customize the stages you'd like to move your deals through within your Workflow.

4. Customize your Stages

Finalize the stages you'd like to see on your Kanban Board for Deals along with the probability of winning deals at every stage

Your Deals Pipeline is now ready to use in both List & Kanban Views!

You can now track your revenue pipeline on both a total & weighted basis :)

Feel free to reach out to us for any other questions around creating deals 😊

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