This feature is available only for users on the Business plan.
Recruit CRM has simplified building a detailed executive search progress report for your clients with our "Executive Search Report" feature.
Create a customized PDF report with candidates and information you choose and a detailed candidate summary. You can then share this report generated via email or you can download the PDF file and share it.
Generating an executive search report
To generate an executive search report, follow the steps below:
1. Go into the detailed view of the job for which you wish to generate the report and click on the green "Submit Candidate" button:
2. You'll now get a pop-up box with 3 options as shown below. Select the "Executive Search Report" option.
3. Next, choose the candidate(s) you wish to generate the detailed summary for and click next.
You can only select up to 100 candidates at once while generating an executive search report.
4. The first tab that you see here, "Executive Search Title", will be the cover page for the report. You can create or select an existing search title template from the drop-down and insert placeholders.
You can save the draft version of your executive summary report using the blue "Save as draft" button available on all steps. You can find all drafts under the "Executive Search Reports" tab and click on the edit icon to resume working on it!
5. After choosing the template, switch to the "Candidate List" tab where you can select the fields that you would like to showcase to your clients for the candidates you have selected. You can show up to 5 fields on this page.
6. Next, under the candidate profile tab, select the candidate and customize each profile separately. You can use the "Candidate Profile Templates" that have already been created from the drop-down or you can create and save a new one.
The candidate profile can include selected fields, the candidate summary, and any other additional information you wish to have in the template.
The candidate summary will be picked up from the candidate summary field on the candidate's profile. Users with access to Admin settings can create templates for candidate summaries from candidate field settings.
7. In the last tab, "Team" you can add in the details of the job owner and the collaborators on that job. You can turn on the toggle to make the users visible and use placeholders for additional information.
You can also choose to hide this page by turning off the "Show team page" toggle.
8. That's it! The final step is to hit "Preview". When you hit preview the system automatically generates the complete PDF report. You can then save and send the report via email or download it as well.
The report gets saved in .pdf format and it will be saved as an attachment in the email.
If you generate the same report more than once then please make sure that the title of the report is different.
🎥 Here's a video on this feature to help you out!
Hope this helps :)