This feature is available only for users on the Business plan.
Generating a complete search report for your client for executive or c-suite roles is made simple with Recruit CRM's "Executive Search Report" feature. Create pre-designed templates for both your search title/cover page and candidate profile pages to make your work faster and easier.
You will need to be an admin or account owner or have access to the admin settings to create the templates.
Creating search report title/cover page template
To create the search title or cover page of your executive summary report, follow the steps below:
1. Go to the Admin Settings. Under CRM process customization you'll find the Executive search report settings.
2. Under the "Executive Search Templates" tab, click on the blue "New Executive Search Title Template" button to create a new template.
3. Choose a title for your template and fill this under the "Template Name" field.
4. You can now edit the template content, including the header text, and insert a header image, say, your company logo here.
5. Use placeholders to add additional relevant information. The placeholders contain all the fields from the contacts, job, company, and user's (recruiter) information.
6. Right-click on the table to add additional cells, rows, or columns to the table.
7. Finally, don't forget to hit save!
Creating a candidate profile template
To create a candidate profile template, follow the steps below:
1. Switch to the "Candidate Profile Templates" tab and click on the blue "New Candidate Profile Template" button.
2. Right-click to add additional cells, rows, or columns to the table and use placeholders to add candidate information. All candidate fields will be available as placeholders here.
3. The candidate summary placeholder will fetch the summary of each individual candidate record. You can add new tables/body and customize the template content as you like.
4. The candidate work history and candidate education history placeholders will fetch the details of each individual candidate record.
5. Here, you can also select the fields you want to show and also add or remove the work/education histories as per your choice, where work_history_1 / education_history_1 is the latest and work_history_10 / education_history_10 is the oldest work/education history.
In cases of customized templates, if you select a specific number of work and education histories, but the candidate has fewer entries, then while generating the executive search report, it will display the remaining ones as "undefined".
For example, if the customized template includes 6 work histories but the candidate has only 3 work histories, the report will show the first three histories filled and the remaining will appear as "undefined".
Creating candidate summary templates
The "candidate summary" placeholder in your template content picks up information from the field from each candidate's profile. You can create and use candidate summary placeholders to make writing candidate summaries more efficient. Here is how you can do that:
1. Go to candidate fields in your Admin settings and click on the blue "New Candidate Summary Template" button.
2. Give a name for your template and use the placeholders to fetch information from candidate fields to the template. You can easily write the outline summary of the candidate with the help of the placeholders!
Now each time you add or edit a candidate, you can choose one of the candidate summary templates under the candidate summary field and customize it as required.
RCRM also allows you to use an HTML source on the templates.
How to access the source code on the candidate summary template:
All you need to do is click on the "source button":
This way you can simply copy and paste the source from another template you already created and paste it here so you won't need to build it from scratch!
Hope this helped!