Scheduling meetings in Recruit CRM 🗓️
Scheduling a meeting and notifying attendees is easy with Recruit CRM :)
You can create a meeting from three different places inside the app!
1. From the Tasks and Meetings page
2. From the "+" icon:
3. From inside a candidate/contact/job/company profile:
When adding a meeting inside a profile, the name of the record will be automatically added to the "Related To" section:
You can also add meetings for candidates from inside the candidate pipeline in a Job:
To create a new meeting:
Make sure you have connected your calendar to Recruit CRM first!
1. Click on the schedule meeting button, fill in all the required information on the meeting card, and click on the "Add" button to create the meeting.
All the names added in the "Related To" section will also be automatically added to the "Attendees" section.
If you don't wish to send calendar invites to the record and keep the meeting for internal tracking purposes only, you can simply delete the added names from the Attendees section:
2. If you don't wish to send calendar invites to the attendees, you can select the checkbox at the end of the page.
This option will prevent the system from sending calendar invitations and reminders to individuals listed in the Attendees section.
How to send a meeting confirmation email ✉️
Once you've connected your Google/Outlook calendar to Recruit CRM, clicking on the "Add" button will automatically send calendar invites to all attendees on their calendars (provided you have their email IDs).
However, in certain situations, such as when the invitee has an Outlook calendar while you have a Gmail calendar, the invite may not appear automatically on their calendar.
In such cases, we also give you an optional prompt to send an email to attendees with the meeting card as shown below. The recipient can use the 'Add to Calendar' button provided in the email they receive.
You can choose whether you wish to send the email to the attendees. If you don't, simply close the email tab.
If you have selected the Do not send calendar invites checkbox, the system will skip the display of the email meeting template.
Customize the meeting type 🖥️
You can also add customized Meeting types to tag a meeting with a specific "Type" to make it easier for you and your team to identify/categorize them.
Accessing the meetings that you've scheduled!
1. Navigate to the "Meetings" tab, and easily access the meetings you've scheduled. For a closer look at each individual meeting you've added, simply click on the arrow positioned at the top-left corner.
This will expand the meeting, providing a detailed view for easy reference and management.
2. To broaden your view of the entire Activity section, click on the expand icon located at the top right. From there, you can efficiently search for the meetings you've added.
Additionally, you have the flexibility to apply filters, allowing you to refine your search and efficiently manage your meetings.
In case you have any questions or concerns related to scheduling meetings, please use the chatbot on the bottom right to get in touch with us and we'd be happy to help you!