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Auto-Invoice Clients based on Activities in Recruit CRM
Auto-Invoice Clients based on Activities in Recruit CRM

Use Zapier to connect your accounting system with Recruit CRM to let the systems automate the invoicing function

Beatriz Miranda avatar
Written by Beatriz Miranda
Updated over a week ago

If you're using Quickbooks, Xero, or similar accounting tools (available on Zapier) to manage your invoicing you can now create a simple zap & connect it with Recruit CRM to automate your workflow with Zapier.

You can set up this zap from "Make a Zap” inside Zapier using the steps below-

  • Select the Trigger event in the Zap as “Candidate hiring stage updated” with Recruit CRM as the Trigger App.

  • Use “Filter by Zapier” to only apply this on the candidates updated to the "Placed" stage

  • Select the Action event in the Zap as " Generate/Send invoice to Contact" with your accounting software as the Action App!

This Zap will now save you the time of separately invoicing your client once you place a candidate at the job!

If you're a Retained recruiter or need to invoice your clients at intervals different from placing a candidate you can also set this zap by using Deals in Recruit CRM!

Add stages in your Deals pipeline & update your deals as per your invoice cycle to trigger your commission/fee invoice from your accounting tool! Here’s how you can set this up:

  1. Click on “Make a Zap” to create a new zap & Select the Trigger event in the Zap as “Deal stage updated” with Recruit CRM as the Trigger App.

2. Hit continue and in the action, select “Filter” in Zapier. The filter option will ensure that the zap will proceed only when a condition is met. In this case, it will be the deal stage value.

3. Under “filter setup and testing”, choose the field as “deal stage label” and condition as “text exactly matches”. Enter the "Stage Name" in the next column so only deals added in this stage will be the ones that get invoiced.

Now for setting up the Action event, choose the accounting tool you use & select the action as provided by them to either generate an invoice/directly share it with your client. Zapier will then let you pick details like Contact name, email, invoice value, etc from the Deal that's in the selected stage & perform the task!

As an example, please see the steps below with Xero as the accounting tool-

  1. Continue action and choose the app “Xero” and the action event as “Create Sales Invoice”

2. Log in to your Xero account and set up the action by filling in all the required values. Use information from the Deal to fill up data in the action that you want on the invoice from Recruit CRM.

3. Next, test the zap and you're done! All you need to do is turn on your zap to autogenerate invoices!

If you need help setting this up, you can sign up for our free Zapier webinar from here! Just Send Us a Message by clicking on the blue chatbot on the bottom right, if you need more help. 🙂

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