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Basic elements of Workflow Automation in Recruit CRM
Basic elements of Workflow Automation in Recruit CRM

Learn the basic elements to get started with Workflow Automation in Recruit CRM

Beatriz Miranda avatar
Written by Beatriz Miranda
Updated over a week ago

New to automation? Let's take this one step at a time.


Workflow Automation in Recruit CRM connects to apps to build recipes, with each connection reusable across multiple recipes. Think of a connection like a key that allows it to unlock and communicate with another tool or app (like Recruit CRM, Outlook, Slack, etc).

It's a way for Workflow Automation to securely access and retrieve information from the connected tool.


Now, imagine a recipe as a set of instructions or a cooking recipe. It's a series of steps that guides the workflow on what to do with the information it gets from Recruit CRM (or any other connected tool). Recipes allow you to create automated workflows, like moving data from one tool to another without manual effort.

So, in simple terms, a connection is like the key to open the door to another tool, and a recipe is the set of instructions for what to do once that door is open!


Triggers serve as events or conditions that kickstart the execution of a workflow. They determine when the automation begins by responding to changes or activities within connected applications.

Trigger events are activated within specific apps (like Recruit CRM, Gmail, etc.) upon the occurrence of certain events, such as the addition or update of a candidate or the receipt of an email.

Additionally, triggers can be initiated by actions like adding a new line to a file, scheduled occurrences, or firing at predetermined times or intervals.


Actions represent the specific steps or tasks performed in response to a trigger. These are the operations that interact with connected applications and manipulate data. Actions encapsulate the specific functionalities and operations required to achieve the desired outcome of the workflow.

For example, in the context of a recruitment workflow, an Action could involve creating a Deal when triggered by the creation of a Job in Recruit CRM. The Action step defines the details of this creation process, specifying the fields to be filled, data mappings, and any other relevant parameters.


Assets within Workflow Automation are a comprehensive list encompassing all the Connections and Recipes associated with your account. These pivotal elements form the foundation of your workflow structure, providing the necessary components to drive automation.

When you navigate to the Assets tab, you'll find a comprehensive overview of every recipe and connection that you and your team have created. This organized hub allows you to efficiently manage and access all the automation components. Whether you are working on intricate workflows or establishing connections with external applications, the Assets tab provides a consolidated space for overseeing and editing all the essential elements of your automation ecosystem.


A project serves as a repository for your integration assets. Within a project, you can organize and store a cohesive set of assets related to your integrations, encompassing recipes, connections, and sub-folders. Projects help users maintain a logical and organized workflow within their work environment.

Organize the projects in your workspace by department, use case, or project. For example:


Jobs represent the instances or executions of your workflows or recipes. When you trigger a recipe, whether manually or through an automated event, a job is initiated to execute that particular recipe. Jobs serve as tangible records of the workflow execution, capturing details such as start time, end time, and any associated outcomes.

Every time a recipe runs, it generates a job that can be tracked and reviewed in the Jobs tab. This allows users to monitor the status, details, and results of each workflow execution. Whether a job is completed successfully or encounters errors, the Jobs section provides valuable insights into the performance and outcomes of your automation processes.


A task represents a singular unit of work carried out whenever a recipe undertakes an action demanding computing resources. Each time a recipe utilizes an action offered by a connector, it registers as one task.

A job within a recipe may encompass numerous tasks, with the total tasks executed in a job being contingent on the data associated with the trigger event and the logic embedded in the recipe.

Task counting: The following table shows a breakdown of how tasks are counted with the different recipe steps:




Will not be counted as a Task

Trigger conditions

Will not be counted as a Task

Search/Create/Update/Get/Upsert/Lookup etc.

The Task is incremented by 1 for each of these Actions

Actions in repeat (for each loop)

The Task is incremented by 1 for every Action in the loop

Control statement (If, Error monitor, stop)

Will not be counted as a Task

Batch/bulk operations

The Task is incremented by 1

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