Our Job Statistics Report gives you a clear view of how each of your jobs is performing.
You can quickly run a report on all your Jobs with all the available KPIs to have a deeper understanding of if everything is going as per the plan.
This report will help you compare various jobs and analyze which job(s) are doing exceptionally well.
Here's how you can run a report:
Once you're inside the Job Statistics Report, follow the steps below to generate a report.
Select Jobs from the drop-down
Select KPIs from the KPI drop-down
Choose a date range and hit the "Generate Report" button
You can also choose to "Save & Generate Report" as well. We give you the option to view and edit saved reports.
Please Note: If you are seeing numbers related to any Hiring Stage (Assigned/Placed etc.), This is historical data which means, the candidates were in that hiring stage during some point in the date range the report was generated for, Their current hiring stage may be different.
On the basis of your selection, you'll see the bars with the actual data associated with them. Each bar on the chart is clickable and that will give you a more comprehensive report.
If you click on a bar that says "Assigned" it will give you a list of all the candidates that were actually Hired during that time period.
You can further sort them in ascending/descending order just by clicking on any of the headings. If you wish to look for candidates from a specific Current Hiring Stage, you can add a keyword in the search section.
You can also perform an Advanced Search or even Export the detailed report as a CSV file. Hope this helps!