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Mark Candidates as Unavailable

This article will tell you how to mark candidates as unavailable within Recruit CRM.

Beatriz Miranda avatar
Written by Beatriz Miranda
Updated over a week ago

Avoid assigning jobs to candidates who are already placed or unavailable for a particular period, by marking them as unavailable for the specified time.

🟡 How to mark candidates unavailable?

From the profile page

To mark the candidate as unavailable, go to the candidate's detail page and click on the "Mark Candidate as Unavailable" option.

This will give you predefined options such as one month, three months, six months, nine months, and a custom time range option.

If you choose the custom option, a calendar will pop up, and you can select the date till which the candidate will be unavailable.

After marking the candidate as unavailable, an icon will appear on their profile to indicate that they are unavailable till the selected/specified date.

From the list page

You can mark candidates as unavailable in bulk from the candidate list page, by selecting the relevant records and clicking on the "Update Field" button:

When placed in a job

You will also have the option to mark the candidate as unavailable when you update the hiring stage of the candidate to "placed".

Once a candidate is marked unavailable, they will not appear on the list of available candidates that you can assign to jobs.

🗒️ Accessing the list of unavailable candidates

To view the list of all unavailable candidates, click on the "Unavailable Candidates" option from your quick view.

Note: If the unavailable candidate is a part of any hotlist, you can still find them within the hotlists they are a part of.

This list will show the dates from which the candidate will be available again when the field "Available From" is made visible.

After the unavailable period is over, the candidate will automatically become available and will be visible in the "All Candidates" list.

🟢 How to mark unavailable candidates as available?

There are 2 ways in which you can mark unavailable candidates as available, from the candidate details page and the list page.

From the candidate profile page 👤

You can easily mark unavailable candidates as available from a candidate's detail page. Just click on the three dots and click on the mark candidate as available option.

From the candidate list page 👥

You can mark unavailable candidates as available in bulk from the list view. Bulk-select the candidates you want to mark as available and then click on update.

Here you'll get an option to either update the candidate as available.

In conclusion, with the new mark candidate as an unavailable feature, you can easily identify and skip candidates unavailable for a particular time, making your job easier and more efficient.

Please note that we're upgrading the feature to 'Off-Limits Records,' currently in beta, and it will be gradually released to all users within the next 1-2 months.

Hope this helps :)

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